We utilise measures to maximise your security and protection. Your IP address has been identified as ( Please note that if any suspicious activity is detected we may request additional information to verify your order. Any fraudulent activity will be reported to the Australian Federal Police and AUSTRAC.
We are currently accepting applications until the 20th September 2022 for priority access to .au direct domain names. The domain name you have searched for is required to go through the priority allocation process and can be registered today if you already own the domain name below. More info about the .au direct contention process.
One .au domain found with '':
If you currently own the domain name below, please follow the steps to secure the .au direct version.
Do you currently own this domain name?
Unfortunately, If you do not own the existing .au domain name for this keyword we cannot register the .au direct version for you. We recommend searching for an alternative .au direct domain name as you will not be able to proceed with this application.
We are currently accepting applications until the 20th September 2022 for priority access to .au direct domain names. The domain name you have searched for is required to go through the priority allocation process, if you already own one of the domain names below you will be able to submit an application for priority allocation. If your application is successful, the domain name will be registered for you. More info about the .au direct contention process.
Multiple .au domains found with '':
If you currently own the domain name below, please follow the steps to secure the .au direct version.
Do you currently hold any of the domain names shown above?
Unfortunately, If you do not own any of the existing .au domain names for this keyword we cannot register the .au direct version for you. We recommend searching for an alternative .au direct domain name as you will not be able to proceed with this application.
It is strongly recommended that you do not ignore this message.
You have previously added to your company.
If you are looking to add positions or make changes to , you should edit the existing one as it can cause issues with ASIC and ABN applications. Please click "edit individual" below to make changes to .
Incorrect details will result in your ABN application being rejected or marked for manual review. Therefore we will allow you to update these details for the purposes of your ABN application.
However, you may need to let ASIC know of changes to your company records if:
For more information you can contact ASIC on 1300 300 630
It is strongly recommended that you do not ignore this message.
You need to add an individual (with the individual's first and last name), and then put their role as a shareholder, at the bottom it will ask you "Will these shares be held on behalf of another trust, individual or organisation?", select "yes" and then enter the trust name, (i.e. The Smith Family Trust). Even if you have multiple trustees you should only add one of them.
You need to add an organisation (with the organisation's ASIC name excluding ATF), and then put their role as a shareholder, at the bottom it will ask you "Will these shares be held on behalf of another trust, individual or organisation?", select "yes" and then enter the trust name, (i.e. The Smith Family Trust). Even if you have multiple trustees you should only add one of them.
It is strongly recommended that you do not ignore this message.
You are trying to add the company you are registering as it's own shareholder. We warn you that this is not technically possible and you may not proceed. Please go back to the entities step and add yourself as an individual.
It is strongly recommended that you do not ignore this message.
You need to add an organisation (with the organisation's ASIC name excluding ATF), and then put their role as a shareholder, at the bottom it will ask you "Will these shares be held on behalf of another trust, individual or organisation?", select "yes" and then enter the trust name, (i.e. The Smith Family Trust). Even if you have multiple trustees you should only add one of them.
EasyCompanies will generate a set of documents based on the answers you provided throughout the company registration, these include:
Documents will be provided via PDF format through email. They can also be bound and delivered in a folder for $79.
Many people struggle with assigning entities to their companies so we've organised some simple tips to help make it a breeze.
A company needs at least:
Your CVV number is a 3-digit number located in the signature strip on the back of your card.
Your CVV number is a 4-digit number located in front of your card, after your credit card number.